Around the World – Day 45 – My 50th birthday at Victoria Falls

I am so happy I chose the continent Africa to celebrate my 50th birthday. There is something about this continent that makes me feel at home immediately. Probably because I am not that far from home!

Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe was the town I picked, because for years the Victoria Falls have been on my bucket list. The day prior to my 50th birthday seemed an excellent day to finally visit them, as a celebration of my last day as a 40-something. I was not disappointed; the falls are breath-taking! The local name Mosi-oa-Tunya, the Smoke that Thunders, fits perfectly. The sound of the water crashing down can be heard from far away. And that smoke? Well, that’s the water spraying up in the air. It got me soaked completely, despite waterproof jacket. But it was a wonderful feeling, like emerging from the water, reborn, and ready to start my life as a 50-something.

On the day of my birthday itself I got up early for a day trip to the Chobe National Park in Botswana. The border was only one-hour drive away and after going through the immigration formalities and foot bath (to wash off any diseases from our shoes), we soon arrived at the Chobe Park. The safari was split up in two: in the morning by boat over the river Chobe and in the afternoon by jeep over land. I liked the morning part best because this was when we were spoiled the most by nature showing itself to us: hippos, elephants, crocodiles, cape buffalos, lizards, birds… There was plenty to see and watch: two male hippos getting into a fight, an elephant family taking a mud bath, a crocodile sunbathing with his impressive jaws wide open and birds riding on the back of a cape buffalo while feasting themselves on the ticks hidden on the buffalo’s coat.

Arriving back in my hotel room I got to read all the birthday wishes from family, friends and colleagues – such a heart-warming moment. All in all, it was certainly a day I will not easily forget. Mission accomplished!

I stayed in total 6 days in Victoria Falls and after several game drives I must say what marks me most time and again, is how every animal clearly has its purpose. They go about their lives doing what they do: sleep, work to get food, eat, play, have sex. Just like our human lives! Yet we seem to be the only animal that tortures itself with questioning its purpose. We like to complicate things. Always looking for more, adding stuff – mostly unimportant. Maybe we should take an example from our animal friends and simply be.

Maybe being alive IS the purpose?

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