itinerary (n.)

Two months left to go before take-off to …. where again? Hm, let me check my i*tin”er*a*ry. I will tell you this: piecing together my itinerary proofed to be as difficult as pronouncing the word itself!

As fun as “around the world in 50 days” sounds, it is nothing short of a logistic nightmare. Try putting a flight schedule together that:

– fits the idea of 5 continents/10 countries (so basically 2 countries per continent);
– has preferably only one stop maximum from one destination to the next;
– keeps (where possible) the total travelling time between destinations under 24 hours;
– assures you’ll sit in reliable planes as opposed to flying coffins;
– does not completely empty out your savings account.

I must have changed my itinerary at least a dozen of times. The order of the continents? Do I go in eastern or western direction? Which countries? Which places/cities? So, so hard to choose! And then when you start connecting destinations you quickly understand that whilst the world seems ultra-connected, flight wise …. not so much. Did you know for example that flying across the African continent is like driving on a seemingly straight road only to be surprised by unexpected deviations? No kidding, to go from e.g. Congo to Morocco your quickest options is to actually leave the continent and travel via Paris….

It really is a time-consuming activity, not in the least because it is simply impossible to not give into daydreaming of what lies ahead. But, it is also a lot of fun working on that delightful puzzle and it is therefore with much joy that I present to you my chosen itinerary.


Starting from home in Mauritius on 10th of April 2018, I will visit (in order):

Asia – Myanmar and Japan
Australia/Oceania – Fiji Islands and Australia
North America – USA and Canada
South America – Peru and Brazil
Africa – Zimbabwe and Morocco

to end back home in Mauritius on 31 May.


Update 14 February 2018:

Well, it is done! Tickets booked and issued with the fantastic assistance of the peeps at Indie BootsnAll.

The final itinerary looks as follows:

From 1. Mauritius –> 2. Myanmar –> 3. Japan –> 4. Australia –> 5. New Zealand –> 6. USA –> 7. Canada –> 8. Peru –> 9. Brazil –> 10. Zimbabwe –> 11. Botswana –> back to Mauritius.


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